Currently Reading…

Being a writer, I’m also an avid reader. I try not to go more than a few weeks without reading a book, be it fiction or non-fiction. Lately I’ve been reading some of my favorite novelists…Harlan Coben, David Balducci, and James Patterson. I’m currently about half way through Harlen Coben’s novel titled The Match.

I haven’t read much of Coben lately, and when I started reading The Match I realized how much I missed his suspense thrillers. Most, if not all, of Coben’s novels take place in New Jersey. That’s a place that’s kind of near and dear to my heart since I lived in several New Jersey towns in an earlier life…and I like reading about some of the familiar names.

In this story the main character is a young man named Wilde…no first name…just Wilde. Wilde never met his mother or his father. He doesn’t know if he has any siblings or how he came to be living alone in the woods of the Ramapo mountains that run through northeastern New Jersey and southeastern New York. A DNA test from an online ancestry service provides Wilde with information that enables him to track down the man who may be his father. He meets the man, but a flurry of conflicting emotions causes Wilde to run from that encounter. Instead, he reaches out to a second cousin whose repeated attempts to contact Wilde were rebuffed. When Wilde finally decides to reach out, his cousin mysteriously disappears…and may have experienced a horrible death.

So…that’s where I am right now…completely engrossed in the story. I know that as the story continues there will be lots of twists, turns, and maybe a surprise ending.

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