Currently Reading …

I’m currently reading Mercy by David Baldacci. It’s the fourth book in a series that features FBI agent Atlee Pine.

Atlee’s twin sister was abducted at the age of 6, and Atlee has been searching for her ever since…without success. Atlee has discovered evidence that leads her to believe that her sister had escaped her captors and is still alive…and she’s following up on her leads.

This is a fast-moving page-turner…the kind of book that makes you want to read it in a single sitting…and it’s the first book in the Atlee Pine series that I’ve read. I think this is one of Baldacci’s best books yet. I really like the Atlee Pine character, and I want to know more about her. When I finish this book I’m going to start from the first book in the series and go from there.

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