About Me

After spending several decades as an engineer, teacher, and management consultant, I decided to exercise the right side of my brain and try my hand at making stuff up by writing fiction.

That idea came to me in 2004 while sitting in a Florida bar and eavesdropping on some of the conversations taking place around me. I began to make up things about the people I was watching—their names, occupations, their most private secrets—and shared these with my wife. After listening and laughing for what must have been an hour, she looked at me and said “You should write a book.” And so, it started.

My writing is focused on the suspense, mystery, and thriller genres. It’s fast-paced and full of interesting characters and story lines. My writing colleagues have likened my style to that of James Patterson, but with a bit more complexity and plot twists.

I love to hear from my readers, so please feel free to drop me an email, post a comment on my blog, and follow me on Twitter. www.twitter.com/jdcannonwrites

Happy reading!!

2 Responses to About Me

  1. Glen Gares says:

    Do you have a link to get your books, if so please pass it on. Thanks G

  2. J.D. Cannon says:

    Hi Glen,

    Sorry I haven’t replied sooner. I think I had notifications turned off…or something 🙁 Links to the book are at http://www.jdcannon.com. Just scroll down past the book cover and you will find links to Amazon, Nook, and CreateSpace.


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