Welcome to Backstory

Did you ever wonder what goes on inside an author’s head when he takes an initial story idea and develops it into a full-blown novel? If so, then I think you’ll be interested in Backstory. Originally created as a free eBook to share with my friends and fans, Backstory is now available in web-based form to all of my website visitors. Backstory takes you behind the scenes into the creation of my best-selling novel Just by Chance. Meet the main characters, learn how I came up with the story idea, chose the locale, and turned a spur of the moment impulse into a compelling page-turner. Illustrated with more than a dozen photographs that inspired the novel, you’ll also get a peek at some deleted scenes and the opening chapters to Just By Chance and my forthcoming novel Imposter. I hope you enjoy reading Backstory as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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